Peace Rocks

☮ Spreading Peace One Rock at a Time! ☮

Friday, June 29, 2012

Peace Rock 9,000

I did it, I painted Peace Rock # 9,000 by the end of June!!  Yay, it is a beautiful red and bronze one.  I can relax a little even though I have tons of places to spread them this summer.  Hope you find one!  Peace to you! 


  1. Wow, I can't believe you made it to 9,000!! I love your dedication and passion. Your on your way to the special milestone of 10,000!! :-)

  2. I am so happy for you and so proud of all you have done to promote peace vibrations wherever you go! You are so very special!

  3. Thanks so much!!! You gals Rock!!! ☮  ♥ ツ



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