
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Peace Rock Contest ☮  ♥ ツ

I finally got around to doing a Peace Rock Contest!  Yay!!
☮ ☮ ☮ Peace Rock Contest! ☮ ☮ ☮
Who wants to spread a little Peace next week! In honor of the summer ending, it's contest time! I have a bag of Peace Rocks, and some Peace cards for a peaceful person! Just leave a comment here about what i
s your favorite item in my Etsy shop or on the Facebook page. The address is
. I'll pick one winner randomly by the end of the day Thursday, (September 30th). I will ship your Cards, & Peace Rocks out on Friday. It's FREE, it's Fun! ☮ Good
Luck! ☮ Yay! ☮ ☮ ☮

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