
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Free Peace Love Christmas cards and Peace Rock 1111

This week I decided to give away a set of 5 Peace Love Christmas cards and one of my favorite Peace Rocks to one of my followers. Peace Rock # 1111 is a special rock infused with manifesting your desires. So if you are already a follower, then your name will go into the drawing for the cards and Peace Rock # 1111. If you are not a current follower, then just add yourself as a follower and you will be in the drawing. It free and so simple. I will announce the winner on Sunday December 13Th, so I can get the cards and peace rock in the mail on Monday. I will only announce the winners name and they can email me their address at Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Peace is something the world should share. It's all about loving, we dare you to care! ~ Elmcrest Elementary School, Liverpool, NY


  1. You are so generous! Your rocks are the best! I hope you had plenty of sales at the Fairs and have made many, many, new customers! I don't know of anyone who deserves it more!

  2. How very cool that you are up to number 1111. I love that number! The red and yellow peace rock in your picture has incredible energy! Like you, it is very special indeed!

  3. Wow so generous of you to be giving away these rocks!

    Love, Kelvin from
    manifesting abundance
