
My Dream

                                                       My Dream
My dream is to travel all over the United States spreading the Peace Rocks.  Kind of like Johnny Appleseed.  In every new town I would leave them here and there for people to find.  I would give one to a waitress and leave one in the Starbucks tip jar.  I would give a bag to a kid who wanted to spread his own.  When I run out of Peace Rocks, then I would go home paint another 500 or so and then pick another cool town and spread the Peace.  It would be so much fun!!  I would also Tweet and Facebook where I am, so you can follow the Peace Rocks.  It would probably take me a year to do all the cool towns in the US.  Then I would like to spread the Peace in Europe!!  The only thing I need to take it on the road is a Sponsor or just some extra money.  My goal for 2016 is to find a Sponsor for my Peace Rock adventure.  Spreading Peace One Rock at a Time