
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Holiday Peace Sale

 Thanksgiving and am thankful for Peaceful people.
☆ I am having a SALE this week! Type in Coupon Code HOLIDAY25 at checkout for 25 % off your order plus a FREE Peace Rock! Offer ends on Sunday December 1st. ☆
My etsy shop ~

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Peace Rock Contest

Hi, I really appreciate all the likes and comments on my Facebook page!  So I am having a Free Giveaway today!  Go to My Peace Rock Facebook Page to enter!  Thanks for spreading the Peace, you Rock!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy November

Happy November!  Time is going by so fast!  Pretty soon I will be painting red and green peace rocks! For now, I am so happy that I finally made a Peace Rock T shirt to wear while spreading Peace Rocks! My husband was very kind and modeled one for me!  He Rocks!  I am thankful for all the peaceful people!  Have a super wonderful week! 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Dona Nobis Pacem

 Today is BlogBlast for Peace! We're joining with others all over the world to spread the message of Peace. Here is my Peace Globe! World Peace for all is my Motto! ☮