
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Peace Rocks for Vassar!

I just got done painting 80 Peace Rocks for the international students at Vassar College. This is the third year that I done it. I hope they feel more peaceful with their Peace Rock because they Rock!! Here is a picture of the Peace Rocks!! ☮ ☮ ☮
Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. Buddha

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Spreading the Peace Rocks!! ☮

Wow, it has been a couple months since I lasted posted here. So many things have happend since May, some good and some bad. The good news is that I have been spreading Peace Rocks all around with the help of some Peaceful people. I don't want to talk about the bad news. So here is some pics of Peace rocks that I've been spreading and some awesome peace rocks spreaders! Have a Peaceful summer!!