
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Peace rockin summer! ☮

I had a great summer of spreading Peace rocks! I am almost up to 4,000. Today I dropped off 70 Peace rocks to Vassar College for their International students. I hope they enjoy their Peace rocks. Also had fun painting Peace rocks for Camp Hillcroft this summer. It is a beautiful camp with awesome people. I have a couple of events coming up where I will be spreading the Peace Rocks.

A soft voice is the sound of peace.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Peace Rocks in Lake George! ☮

I just got back from spreading Peace Rocks at the Sagamore in Bolton Landing, NY and Lake George, NY! I brought over 25 Peace rocks to spread in the area. It was so much fun spreading them and taking pictures. I hope it added a little magic to the area.